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出生日期查詢(年份請輸入民國年,如為民國前請輸入負號,例如:民國前5年請輸入 -5)
中文 英文 中文 英文
戶長 Household head 曾孫 Great-grandson
Wife 曾孫女 Great-granddaughter
Husband 曾孫婦 Great-granddaughter-in-law
Father Elder brother
Mother Elder sister-in-law
本生父 Real father Elder sister
本生母 Real mother 姊夫 Elder sister's brother-in-law
祖父 Grandfather Younger brother
祖母 Grandmother Younger sister
外祖父 Maternal grandfather 弟婦 Younger brother's wife
外祖母 Maternal grandmother 妹夫 Younger sister's husband
長子 Eldest son 伯父 Elder uncle
次子 2nd son 叔父 Uncle
參子 3rd son 姑母 Paternal aunt
肆子 4th son 伯母 Elder uncle's wife
伍子 5th son 叔母 Wife of father's younger brother
陸子 6th son 姑丈 Husband of paternal aunt
柒子 7th son 堂兄 Male elder cousin on the father's side
捌子 8th son 堂姊 Female elder cousin on the father's side
玖子 9th son 堂嫂 Elder Sister-in-law on the father's side
拾子 10th son 堂姊夫 Elder cousin's husband on the father's side
拾壹子 11th son 堂弟 Male younger cousin on the father's side
拾貳子 12th son 堂妹 Female younger cousin on the father's side
拾參子 13th son 堂弟婦 Younger cousin's wife on the father's side
拾肆子 14th son 堂妹夫 Elder cousin's husband
拾伍子 15th son Nephew
長女 Eldest daughter 姪女 Niece
次女 2nd daughter 姪婦 Niece-in-law
參女 3rd daughter 姪孫 Grand nephew
肆女 4th daughter 姪孫女 Grand niece
伍女 5th daughter 姪孫婦 Grand niece-in-law
陸女 6th daughter 堂姪 Nephew on the father's side
柒女 7th daughter 堂姪女 Niece on father's side
捌女 8th daughter 堂姪妻 Nephew-in-law on father's side
玖女 9th daughter 岳父 Father-in-law
拾女 10th daughter Father
拾壹女 11th daughter 岳母 Mother-in-law
拾貳女 12th daughter Aunt on father's side
拾參女 13th daughter 岳祖父 Grandfather-in-law
拾肆女 14th daughter 岳祖母 Grandmother-in-law
拾伍女 15th daughter 妻兄 Wife's elder brother
長媳 1st daughter-in-law 夫兄 Father's elder brother
次媳 2nd daughter-in-law 妻姊 Wife's elder sister
參媳 3rd daughter-in-law 夫姊 Husband's elder sister
肆媳 4th daughter-in-law 妻嫂 Wife's sister-in-law
伍媳 5th daughter-in-law 夫嫂 Husband's sister-in-law
陸媳 6th daughter-in-law 妻弟 Wife's younger brother
柒媳 7th daughter-in-law 夫弟 Husband's younger brother
捌媳 8th daughter-in-law 妻妹 Wife's younger sister
玖媳 9th daughter-in-law 夫妹 Husband's younger sister
拾媳 10th daughter-in-law 妻弟婦 Younger brother's wife of wife
拾壹媳 11th daughter-in-law 夫弟婦 Younger brother's wife of husband
拾貳媳 12th daughter-in-law 妻姪 Wife's nephew
拾參媳 13th daughter-in-law 夫姪 Husband's nephew
拾肆媳 14th daughter-in-law 妻姪女 Wife's niece
拾伍媳 15th daughter-in-law 夫姪女 Husband's niece
女婿 Son-in-law 妻姪父 Wife's niece-in-law
養子 Adopted son 夫姪父 Husband's niece-in-law
養女 Adopted daughter 舅父 Uncle on maternal side
養子婦 Adopted daughter-in-law 姨母 Aunt on maternal side
養女婿 Adopted son-in-law 舅母 Uncle's wife on maternal side
Grandson 姨父 Aunt's husband on maternal side
孫女 Granddaughter 家屬 Family member
孫婦 Granddaughter-in-law 寄居 Temporarily living